Sunday, October 12, 2008

And Now For Something Completely Different

iNHUMANS at the Badlander to Benefit the Poverello Center
iNHUMANS have been one of my favorite groups, since I first saw them at the PBR battle of the bands. They advertised their sound as "absurdist hip-hop," and little of it could be considered family rated. Absurdist refers to a school of philosophy, which states humans live in a purposeless, chaotic universe. (Learn something new every day in the kitchen, on the stove.)

Since then, they've added a trio of back-up singers, calling themselves Heavy Flow.

On this night, the crew was feeling good, as was the crowd, and a good time was had by all.

iNHUMANS with Heavy Flow produce a unique sound, earning bonus points for originality and energy. Coming soon: a CD!

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